Tablet-Based Recommendation Guides Double/Triple Account Openings

This week we announced tablet support for Ignite’s Recommendation Guides. This may not seem like a big deal because everything seems to be going mobile but the results are proving to be very interesting.

When our clients use tablet-based recommendation guides as a sales tool for the relationship managers in the branch, they are doubling and in some cases tripling account openings within the 90 days. When we saw the results, we were astonished. In fact, we had to go back to our clients and see if there were any anomalies and check to see if the data was correct.

Tablet-based Recommendation Guides takes the complexity out of the sales process. The solution is becoming integral part of the selling process in bank branches because it helps the relationship managers quickly assess a prospect’s needs, determine eligibility, and make recommendations. It makes the consultative process easy ANDconsistent.

But that isn’t all.

Prospects, both consumer and business, are now able to use tablets to conduct online and mobile research about financial services products. Once they fill out the interactive needs assessment, which is basically a few online questions that takes less than a few minutes, that information is stored, analyzed and automatically sent to a live sales organization for follow-up.  The sales organization gets a fully qualified lead with customer intelligence that accelerates the sales process.

At this point, the CSR, call center or sales person of course needs to overcome any objections that might arise and close the deal.

Click here to schedule a demo and see it in action.

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14755 Preston Road
Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75254